I believe that the thoughts you think create the life you live. Ive been inspired by Louise Hay through my entire life. The godmother of self-help, Louise pioneered the positive thought, affirmation and self-healing movement. Her bestselling book You Can Heal Your Life sold over 50 million copies and is still relevant today. Always looking to help others, she founded Hay House, a publishing company specializing in self-help and personal growth, and the Hay Foundation, a nonprofit that supports organizations that supply food, shelter, care and money to those in need. Learn more about the Hay Foundation here https://www.hayfoundation.org/ GLORIA STEINEM

Rarely has one person influenced more women than Gloria Steinem. Ever since I was a little girl, she and the womens movement rocked my world. It is because of Gloria and the movement she championed that I was able to become the successful, independent business woman and mother that I am today. We still may have a long way to go, but Glorias message of empowerment has helped women see the world in a different light and navigate the successes we are now able to achieve. BARBARA CORCORAN

Barbara is a force of nature and the definition of a self-made woman. After founding the Corcoran Group in 1973, she forged the way for women in the real estate industry. She later went on to sell the Corcoran Group for $66 million while mentoring many women along the way. Continuing her professional trajectory, she is one of the stars on Shark Tank, supporting women entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. Always looking for ways to give back, she inspires the entrepreneurial spirit in all of us!

If you know you can make a difference then you have to, these are words I live by.Whether its for one single person or on a larger scale, giving back is one of the most rewarding aspects of my life. Dana Buchman is a former fashion designer and found that her true calling was helping to improve lives. Her passion led her to found the Promise Project, a nonprofit whose goal is to provide an educational path for children struggling with learning disabilities. Dana is a smart, elegant and determined woman with a big heart who continues to impress me after years of knowing her.Learn more about the Promise Project here – https://www.promise-project.org/promise2/ KELLY WEARSTLER

Kelly Wearstlers work always inspires me. She is a woman after my own heart. Having founded her own design firm in 1995, her edgy, over-the-top designs changed the way we view residential and hotel design. As an entrepreneur, I also have great respect for her thinking outside of the box in her career by expanding her business into product with her eponymous lifestyle brand. If this wasnt enough, she has done all this while being a mother and raising 2 boys. AMAL CLOONEY

She is a true inspiration! Smart, beautiful, stylish and committed to making a difference. Amal Clooney is someone we can all admire. Born in Beirut and raised in England, Amal has taken the world by storm with high-profile defense cases and activism. Though she captured the heart of one of the worlds most famous bachelors, Amal continues to pursue her passions and fight for whats right to help make the world a better place. LADY GAGA

Persistence! Persistence! Persistence! Always pushing the boundaries, Lady Gagas unconventional style and awe-inspiring determination propelled her to icon status. She doesnt back down and she doesnt give up. With her heart in the right place, Gaga has an eye for philanthropy. She is always looking to help those in need and is always encouraging people to stay true to themselves. She is the ultimate artist and role model.Its always important to celebrate the inspirational women in our lives. They are the ones who influence each younger generation of both men and women to fight for fairness and equality. Heres to all the women who are breaking down barriers and are helping to create a better world.